
Friday, 2 December 2011

Snakes and sheep

Today on our Jesse tree:

That's a snake around an apple, for those unfamiliar with the complex art of making 25 different Biblical symbols out of bits of balsa wood, sequins and shiny sticky tape. The symbol obviously stands for the story of the Fall, found directly after the creation story in Genesis, but the verse (Isaiah 53:6) is the one about sheep which, due to a student Christian Union prone to 'memory verses' The Rev and I both immediately chorused to the tune of The Bare Necessities:

All we like (click) sheeep have gone astray
And turned each one to his own way
But the Lord has lai-aid o-on hiiiim
The iniquity
Of all humanity
Isaiah fifty-three, ve-erse six!

So, the world is made and people have already gone astray: the stage is set for God's rescue plan for humanity.

And speaking of stages being set, I spent a chunk of this afternoon behind a puppet stage with some of the 10:30 club kids, howling with laughter as we put together a puppet song/dance to "Micah No. 5" (Apologetix) for Sunday morning. The moment when one of them appears above the puppet screen inexplicably wearing flashing antlers with bells on is not to be missed.

1 comment:

Pigwotflies said...

I think I prefer Handel's setting. Even if it does sound like the choir is proclaiming, en masse, their love for all things ovine.

"All we like sheep!"